The legend of "the pale mountains"…

They are creatures of the legends in the tradition of the Ladini population, believed to be the first inhabitants of the Dolomites, known also as Salvanèl, Om dal Bosch, Om Salvarech, Matharol. One of the best well known legends regarding these creatures tells the moon's princess Lusor del Luna (Moon's Light) marrying the prince who lives in the reign of the mountains. The princess follows the prince to his reign but cannot adapt herself to the Earth's atmosphere and risks death. The Salvàns, who live hidden in the forests, begin to spin the moon's rays and they magically cover the mountains which start to shine in a pale light, very similar to the moon landscape, so that the princess can live in the prince's reign and fulfil her love dream… From that moment on the Dolomites are also knows as "the pale mountains"!

Our philosophy
. The Salvàns, peaceful and generous creatures of the forest, inspire principles such as hospitality, the welcome of visitors coming from far away lands, moral enrichment through the knowledge of the natural environment. On the tracks of the Salvàns proposes outdoor activities with an educational aim, especially for the young, and invites you to discover nature, tradition and culture of mountains, of the Dolomites and of the Ladini people.