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Ampezzana, graduated in Forestry at the University of Padova with a research dissertation on the growth of conifers at high altitude in the area of Cinque Torri in Cortina. She works as a forestry consultant with experience as a collaborator at the Avalanches Centre of Arabba - ARPAV (Agenzia Regionale Protezione dell'Ambiente del Veneto); she has worked for some time now on Environmental Education and at the moment she is the only recognised naturalist guide living in the territory of Cortina and the Valle del Boite.

The reasons for choosing a local naturalist guide. Because Monica can get you to appreciate the meaning of local place-names since Ladino ampezzano language is her mother tongue. Because she lives and works in this area 12 months a year. Because through her you will understand the social and cultural contest, since she is a member of the Regole d'Ampezzo, the age-old land managing body which owns and runs the Natural Park of Ampezzo Dolomites. Because her wish is for you to discover the rhythm of nature and enjoy the mountains she loves and she belongs to.


  • Prof. Paolo Giacomel, historian, specialised on World War One events in the Dolomites mountains
  • Dott. Giuseppe Benedet, forester, school teacher
  • Sig. Marco Mainardi and dr. Luca Negrello, Racing Point - Ski and MTB shop
  • Dott.ssa Lodovica Girardini, biologist, school teacher
  • Nature guides